Prayer does not influence God. Prayer surely does influence God. It does not influence His purpose. It does influence His action.
S. D GordonIt takes power for the man of God in the pulpit to speak plainly about particular sins before the faces of those who are living in them; and still more power to do it with the rare tactfulness and tenderness of the Galilean preacher.
S. D GordonNo man's hand has ever yet reached up to take as much as the Pierced Hand is reaching down to give.
S. D GordonThe great people of the earth today are the people who pray. I do not mean those who talk about prayer, nor those who say they believe in prayer, nor yet those who can explain about prayer; but I mean these people who take time and pray. They have not time. It must be taken from something else. This something else is important, very important, and pressing, but still less important and less pressing than prayer. There are people that put prayer first, and group the other items in life's schedule around and after prayer.
S. D Gordon