With him everything is a test, affection is measured, that given weighed against that which has been received, and the balance, more often than not, disappointing him.
S.J. WatsonThoughts race, as if, in a mind devoid of memory, each idea has too much space to grow and move, to collide with others in a shower of sparks before spinning off into its own distance.
S.J. WatsonI want him to be happy. And I want you to be happy, too. Even if you can only find that happiness without me.
S.J. WatsonI step back further, until I feel cold tiles against my back. It is then I get the glimmer that I associate with memory. As my mind tries to settle on it, it flutters away, like ashes caught in a breeze, and I realize that in my life there is a then, a before, though before what I cannot say, and there is a now, and there is nothing between the two but a long, silent emptiness that has led me here, to me and him, in this house.
S.J. Watson