I think it's impossible to get any movie made, let alone a character story. Even with big stars, which we had, there were challenges. But we got through it, and we're really happy that we made the movie. It's easier to make giant robot movies, but I'm not in that game.
Sacha GervasiWhether it's a guy living in an airport like Viktor Navorski in The Terminal, or Anvil in Toronto, or Alfred Hitchcock who's imprisoned by his success; there is a common thread to all these characters. I don't know why I'm particularly drawn to it. It's been pointed out to me, and I don't understand it myself.
Sacha GervasiI went to film school and studied Alfred Hitchcock. I knew of Alma Reville existence, but had no idea really who she was or how influential she was on him. She stayed in the shadows. Go online, and there are hardly any images or film of her. She really stayed out of the limelight on purpose. She didn't want it, and I think that's one of the reasons that she's really lost in the shadows of Hitchcock's history to a degree.
Sacha GervasiBeing English definitely gave me some insight into these eccentric Brits puttering around Hollywood.
Sacha Gervasi