Peace is not sought in order to provoke war, but war is waged in order to attain peace.
Saint AugustineGod is not a deceiver, that He should offer to support us, and then, when we lean upon Him, should slip away from us.
Saint AugustineMan has been naturally so created that it is advantageous for him to be submissive, but disastrous for him to follow his own will, and not the will of his creator.
Saint AugustineWhat can be more excellent than prayer; what is more profitable to our life; what sweeter to our souls; what more sublime, in the course of our whole life, than the practice of prayer!
Saint AugustinePoltinus the Platonist proves by means of the blossoms and leaves that from the Supreme God, whose beauty is invisible and ineffable, Providence reaches down to the things of earth here below. He points out that these frail and mortal objects could not be endowed with a beauty so immaculate and so exquisitely wrought, did they not issue from the Divinity which endlessly prevades with its invisible and unchanging beauty all things.
Saint Augustine