In the house of God there is never ending festival; the angel choir makes eternal holiday; the presence of God's face gives joy that never fails.
Saint AugustineWhatever skills I have acquired, whatever gifts I have been given, I place them at Your service.
Saint AugustineLet him who desires to be harsh in making demands upon his debtors consider that he is God’s debtor.
Saint AugustineIn order to discover the character of people we have only to observe what they love.
Saint AugustineI inquired what wickedness is, and I didn't find a substance, but a perversity of will twisted away from the highest substance - You, O God - towards inferior things, rejecting its own inner life and swelling with external matters.
Saint AugustineDo you desire security? Here you have it. The Lord says to you, "I will never abandon you, I will always be with you." If a good man made you such a promise, you would trust him. God makes it, and do you doubt? Do you seek a support more sure than the word of God, which is infallible? Surely, He has made the promise, He has written it, He has pledged His word for it, it is most certain.
Saint Augustine