Divine Scripture is wont to frame, as it were, allurements for children from the things which are found in the creature; whereby, according to their measure, and as it were by steps, the affections of the weak may be moved to seek those things that are above, and to leave those things that are below. But the same Scripture rarely employs those things which are spoken properly of God, and are not found in any creature; as, for instance, that which was said to Moses, I am that I am; and, I Am has sent me to you."
Saint AugustineFather, I am seeking: I am hesitant and uncertain, but will you, O God, watch over each step of mine and guide me.
Saint AugustineOur life is a gymnasium of desire.... When Christians say "God," what do we wish to express? This word is all that we yearn for."
Saint AugustineBecause God has made us for Himself, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.
Saint Augustine