An insult is either sustained or destroyed, not by the disposition of those who insult, but by the disposition of those who bear it.
Saint John ChrysostomThus abide constantly with the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that the heart swallows the Lord and the Lord the heart, and the two become one.
Saint John ChrysostomWhat good is it if the Eucharistic table is overloaded with golden chalices when your brother is dying of hunger. Start by satisfying his hunger and then with what is left you may adorn the altar as well.
Saint John ChrysostomWhat shepherd feeds his sheep with his own blood? But Christ feeds us with His own Blood and in all things unites us to Himself.
Saint John ChrysostomIf you wish to leave much wealth to your children, leave them in God's care. Do not leave them riches, but virtue and skill. For if they learn to expect riches, they will not mind anything besides, and their abundant riches shall give them the means of screening the wickedness of their ways.
Saint John ChrysostomPlease listen to me - you are not paying attention. I am talking to you about the Holy Scriptures, and you are looking at the lamps and the people lighting them. It is very frivolous to be more interested in what the lamplighters are doing... After all, I am lighting a lamp too - the lamp of God's Word.
Saint John Chrysostom