When the Mass is being celebrated, the sanctuary is filled with countless angels, who adore the Divine Victim immolated on the altar.
Saint John ChrysostomThe slave should be resigned to his lot, in obeying his master he is obeying God.
Saint John ChrysostomWhat prayer could be more true before God the Father than that which the Son, who is Truth, uttered with His own lips?
Saint John ChrysostomThe pains of hell are not the greatest part of hell; the loss of heaven is the weightiest woe of hell.
Saint John ChrysostomIf you say, "Would there were no wine" because of the drunkards, then you must say, going on by degrees, "Would there were no steel," because of the murderers, "Would there were no night," because of the thieves, "Would there were no light," because of the informers, and "Would there were no women," because of adultery.
Saint John Chrysostom