Respect for the dignity of the human person is the foundational principle of any just society. From a Catholic perspective, it also forms the foundation of all of our Church's social teachings.
Salvatore J. CordileoneCare for life and physical health, with due regard for the needs of others and the common good, is concomitant with respect for human dignity.
Salvatore J. CordileoneI want to focus on the importance of supporting marriage. I always speak about the need to respect everyone's human dignity - regardless of their sexual orientation. I think strengthening marriage is something that benefits everyone.
Salvatore J. CordileoneWe believe that marriage, by its very definition, can exist only between a man and a woman. Moreover, study after study - not to mention common sense - show that children fare better in life when raised in a home with a loving father and mother in a stable, committed relationship.
Salvatore J. Cordileone