I do believe any hero is a person that can be knocked down. A failure isn't a person who gets knocked down; a failure is a person who stays down, and to me, the great heroes take the beating, get knocked down and stand back up again. Perseus is defined as one of the great heroes in literature, so you gotta take that on board.
Sam WorthingtonI didn't set out to be famous; if I'd wanted that, I would have gone on Big Brother.
Sam WorthingtonMost actors go, I read the script and fell in love with it; I fall in love with the directors.
Sam WorthingtonI'm doing the same thing and it's a hundred times bigger and a hundred times better. So if your going to make a computer game off a movie, is it going to be like "Avatar" where it's going to be a prequel before Jake even got to the planet. You've got to be smart because audiences demand that.
Sam WorthingtonYou've always got to be smart enough to go 'Well they're going to have to bring some of their own in'. We don't want to be a monopoly where we get shoved out, it has to be symbiotic.
Sam WorthingtonI've done a lot of roles where I'm the hero saving the planet. I love doing them, but sometimes you wanna completely try something different and create something unique and get lost in it a bit because it's completely far away from me.
Sam WorthingtonI've got to challenge myself more, and not listen to anybody else, and not listen to any media or bloggers, but just listen to myself. I've got to push myself. If I don't believe I'm growing, and I believe I'm just coasting, then I've got to get off the train. If I feel I'm growing, I have to keep going. It's a long marathon.
Sam Worthington