A soft word pacifies anger, and the discordant words break the harmony of the cosmic diapason, and generate disorders.
Samael Aun WeorWe are asleep people, unconscious people, and this is what is serious. Unfortunately, we think the best of ourselves and not even suspect that we are asleep.
Samael Aun WeorGnosis is lived upon facts, withers away in abstractions, and is difficult to find even in the noblest of thoughts.
Samael Aun WeorWe need the conflagration of Love to change the world, we need the fire of love to illuminate the society. The cold, insipid and complicated codes don't change anything, don't transform anything. All the best social projects and the best political principles are useless if they are not written with the fire of Love. The real revolution is the result of transformation, only the storms of Love can transform the individual and the society.
Samael Aun Weor