A person is what his life is. Therefore, if he does not modify anything within himself, if he does not radically transform his life, if he does not work on himself, he is miserably wasting his time.
Samael Aun WeorIt is necessary for the mind to become free of the illusions of this world and become a fine and marvelous instrument of the Inner Being.
Samael Aun WeorGenuine faith is living knowledge, exact cognition, direct experience. For many centuries faith and belief have been confused, and now it takes great effort and exertion to make people understand that faith is true knowledge and not futile beliefs.
Samael Aun WeorIt's too sad to live eating theories. The best thing is to transmute wisdom into love.
Samael Aun WeorEverything is the result of the Law of Action and Consequence but with the possibility that a superior law transcends an inferior law.
Samael Aun WeorMay Peace reign in all hearts. Let us not forget that Peace is Light; let us not forget that Peace is an essence which emanates from the Absolute. It is Light which emanates from the Absolute. It is the Light of the Ancient of Days. Christ said: “MY PEACE I GIVE YOU, MY PEACE I LEAVE YOU”.
Samael Aun Weor