Excise: A hateful tax levied upon commodities, and adjudged not by the common judges of property, but wretches hired by those to whom excise is paid.
Samuel JohnsonEvery other enjoyment malice may destroy; every other panegyric envy may withhold; but no human power can deprive the boaster of his own encomiums.
Samuel JohnsonEven those to whom Providence has allotted greater strength of understanding can expect only to improve a single science.
Samuel JohnsonMore is learned in a public than in a private school, from emulation. There is the collision of mind with mind, or the radiation of many minds pointing to one center.
Samuel JohnsonFriendship, compounded of esteem and love, derives from one its tenderness and its permanence from the other.
Samuel JohnsonThe safe and general antidote against sorrow is employment. It is commonly observed, that among soldiers and seamen, though there is much kindness, there is little grief; they see their friend fall without any of that lamentation which is indulged in security and idleness, because they have no leisure to spare from the care of themselves; and whoever shall keep his thoughts equally busy will find himself equally unaffected with irretrievable losses.
Samuel Johnson