The mental disease of the present generation is impatience of study, contempt of the great masters of ancient wisdom, and a disposition to rely wholly upon unassisted genius and natural sagacity. The wits of these happy days have discovered a way to fame, which the dull caution of our laborious ancestors durst never attempt; they cut the knots of sophistry, which it was formerly the business of years to untie, solve difficulties by sudden irradiations of intelligence, and comprehend long processes of argument by immediate intuition.
Samuel JohnsonNothing concentrates one's mind so much as the realization that one is going to be hanged in the morning!
Samuel JohnsonThe care of the critic should be to distinguish error from inability, faults of inexperience from defects of nature.
Samuel JohnsonEvery desire is a viper in the bosom, who while he was chill was harmless; but when warmth gave him strength, exerted it in poison.
Samuel JohnsonIn most ages many countries have had part of their inhabitants in a state of slavery; yet it may be doubted whether slavery can ever be supposed the natural condition of man. It is impossible not to conceive that men in their original state were equal; and very difficult to imagine how one would be subjected to another but by violent compulsion. An individual may, indeed, forfeit his liberty by a crime; but he cannot by that crime forfeit the liberty of his children.
Samuel Johnson