Fear is implanted in us as a preservative from evil but its duty, like that of other passions, is not to overbear reason, but to assist it. It should not be suffered to tyrannize in the imagination, to raise phantoms of horror, or to beset life with supernumerary distresses.
Samuel JohnsonSir, you must not neglect doing a thing immediately good from fear of remote evil; - from fear of its being abused.
Samuel JohnsonWhat is the reason that women servants ... have much lower wages than men servants ... when in fact our female house servants work much harder than the male?
Samuel JohnsonWhen I first collected these authorities, I was desirous that every quotation should be useful to some other end than the illustration of a word; I therefore extracted from philosophers principles of science; from historians remarkable facts; from chymists complete processes; from divines striking exhortations; and from poets beautiful descriptions.
Samuel Johnson