Complaints are vain; we will try to. do better another time. To-morrow and to-morrow. A few designs and a few failures, and the time of designing is past.
Samuel JohnsonI inherited a vile melancholy from my father, which has made me mad all my life, at least not sober.
Samuel JohnsonLeisure and curiosity might soon make great advances in useful knowledge, were they not diverted by minute emulation and laborious trifles.
Samuel JohnsonEase, a neutral state between pain and pleasure ... if it is not rising into pleasure will be falling towards pain.
Samuel JohnsonMany a man is mad in certain instances, and goes through life without having it perceived. For example, a madness has seized a person of supposing himself obliged literally to pray continually; had the madness turned the opposite way, and the person thought it a crime ever to pray, it might not improbably have continued unobserved.
Samuel Johnson