If we consider the manner in which those who assume the office of directing the conduct of others execute their undertaking, it will not be very wonderful that their labours, however zealous or affectionate, are frequently useless. For what is the advice that is commonly given? A few general maxims, enforced with vehemence, and inculcated with importunity, but failing for want of particular reference and immediate application.
Samuel JohnsonThe mathematicians are well acquainted with the difference between pure science, which has only to do with ideas, and the application of its laws to the use of life, in which they are constrained to submit to the imperfections of matter and the influence of accidents.
Samuel JohnsonHealth is so necessary to all the duties, as well as pleasures of life, that the crime of squandering it is equal to the folly.
Samuel JohnsonNothing concentrates one's mind so much as the realization that one is going to be hanged in the morning!
Samuel JohnsonTo excite opposition and inflame malevolence is the unhappy privilege of courage made arrogant by consciousness of strength.
Samuel JohnsonEvery man has frequent grievances which only the solicitude of friendship will discover and remedy, and which would remain for ever unheeded in the mighty heap of human calamity, were it only surveyed by the eye of general benevolence equally attentive to every misery.
Samuel JohnsonEvery man is of importance to himself, and, therefore, in his own opinion, to others; and, supposing the world already acquainted with his pleasures and his pains, is perhaps the first to publish injuries or misfortunes which had never been known unless related by himself, and at which those that hear them will only laugh, for no man sympathises with the sorrows of vanity.
Samuel Johnson