Power is gradually stealing away from the many to the few, because the few are more vigilant and consistent.
Samuel JohnsonThe duty of criticism is neither to depreciate nor dignify by partial representations, but to hold out the light of reason, whatever it may discover; and to promulgate the determinations of truth, whatever she shall dictate
Samuel JohnsonBe not too hasty to trust or to admire the teachers of morality; they discourse like angels, but they live like men.
Samuel JohnsonTo get a name can happen but to few. A name, even in the most commercial nation, is one of the few things which cannot be bought . It is the free gift of mankind, which must be deserved before it will be granted, and is at last unwillingly bestowed.
Samuel JohnsonTo love their country has been considered as virtue in men, whose love could not be otherwise than blind, because their preference was made without, a comparison; but it has never been my fortune to find, either in ancient or modern writers, any honourable mention of those, who have, with equal blindness, hated their country.
Samuel Johnson