A contempt of the monuments and the wisdom of the past, may be justly reckoned one of the reigning follies of these days, to which pride and idleness have equally contributed.
Samuel JohnsonThe greatest part of a writer's time is spent in reading in order to write. A man will turn over half a library to make a book.
Samuel JohnsonHe who writes much will not easily escape a manner, such a recurrence of particular modes as may be easily noted.
Samuel JohnsonHealth is certainly more valuable than money; because it is by health that money is procured; but thousands and millions are of small avail to alleviate the protracted tortures of the gout, to repair the broken organs of sense, or resuscitate the powers of digestion. Poverty is, indeed, an evil from which we naturally fly, but let us not run from one enemy to another, nor take shelter in the arms of sickness.
Samuel Johnson