A man with a good coat upon his back meets with a better reception than he who has a bad one.
Samuel JohnsonGayety is to good-humor as perfumes to vegetable fragrance: the one overpowers weak spirits; the other recreates and revives them.
Samuel JohnsonPleasure that is obtained by unreasonable and unsuitable cost must always end in pain.
Samuel JohnsonIt is wonderful when a calculation is made, how little the mind is actually employed in the discharge of any profession.
Samuel JohnsonHe that outlives a wife whom he has long loved, sees himself disjoined from the only mind that has the same hopes, and fears, and interest; from the only companion with whom he has shared much good and evil; and with whom he could set his mind at liberty, to retrace the past or anticipate the future. The continuity of being is lacerated; the settled course of sentiment and action is stopped; and life stands suspended and motionless.
Samuel Johnson