The number of such as live without the ardour of inquiry is very small, though many content themselves with cheap amusements, and waste their lives in researches of no importance.
Samuel JohnsonOf riches it is not necessary to write the praise. Let it, however, be remembered that he who has money to spare has it always in his power to benefit others, and of such power a good man must always be desirous.
Samuel JohnsonThe heroes of literary history have been no less remarkable for what they have suffered than for what they have achieved.
Samuel JohnsonSir, as a man advances in life, he gets what is better than admiration, - judgement, to estimate things at their true value.
Samuel JohnsonTo expect that the intricacies of science will be pierced by a careless glance, or the eminences of fame ascended without labour, is to expect a peculiar privilege, a power denied to the rest of mankind; but to suppose that the maze is inscrutable to diligence, or the heights inaccessible to perseverance, is to submit tamely to the tyranny of fancy, and enchain the mind in voluntary shackles.
Samuel Johnson