There are three distinct kind of judges upon all new authors or productions; the first are those who know no rules, but pronounce entirely from their natural taste and feelings; the second are those who know and judge by rules; and the third are those who know, but are above the rules. These last are those you should wish to satisfy. Next to them rate the natural judges; but ever despise those opinions that are formed by the rules.
Samuel JohnsonDeign on the passing world to turn thine eyes, And pause awhile from letters, to be wise.
Samuel JohnsonWhatever is proposed, it is much easier to find reasons for rejecting than embracing.
Samuel JohnsonWhen a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.
Samuel JohnsonSuch is the common process of marriage. A youth and maiden exchange meeting by chance, or brought together by artifice, exchange glances, reciprocate civilities, go home, and dream of one another. Having little to divert attention, or diversify thought, they find themselves uneasy when they are apart, and therefore conclude that they shall be happy together. They marry, and discover what nothing but voluntary blindness had before concealed; they wear out life in altercations, and charge nature with cruelty.
Samuel Johnson