The thing I get the most [in public] is, 'Hey, Eugene.' You know what I mean? There's no catch phrase like: 'What a week I'm having.' People will actually just say, 'Hey, Eugene' or 'Hi, Eugene.' It's a great thing; they feel that comfortable calling me by my first name. It's not being forward. It depends how you say it. I think they can't help themselves. They think they know me. I find it gratifying.
Samuel L. JacksonI love to play real people... good people that I know the audience will get behind. It's the good people in the world that I gravitate to.
Samuel L. JacksonAll movies aren't fun; some are hard work. You try to do something and convey a set of emotions that have to do with some real life kind of stuff.
Samuel L. JacksonI did play a dentist in Waiting for Guffman. I wrote the speech at the conference. In the original script, when it got to that scene, it was, 'Thank you very much. Good night.' Literally. I just thought, 'He keeps talking about this speech. The keynote address is the big thing in his life and this is too important to say, "Thank you. Good night." I think we have to see and hear him doing what he does.' So I got together with my dentist and we worked through a few things.
Samuel L. Jackson