How often does it happen that an obscure line finds its way into a periodical... is requoted in every book that comes out during the next three months, and "sleeps again!
Samuel Laman BlanchardPleasures lie thickest where no pleasures seem: There's not a leaf that falls upon the ground But holds some joy of silence or of sound, Some spirits begotten of a summer dream.
Samuel Laman BlanchardIt is an odd mode of diminishing one's own weakness to ask a friend to lend us the equal force of his.
Samuel Laman BlanchardOf all the many and (thanks to a free press) the ever-multiplying blessings attendant upon the "glorious constitution" of literature, not the least precious and profitable to a modern cultivator of systems and syllables, in pamphlets, magazines, and folios, is the right of Quotation.
Samuel Laman Blanchard