A man has integrity if his interest in the good of the service is at all times greater than his personal pride, and when he holds himself to the same line of duty when unobserved as he would follow if his superiors were present
Samuel Lyman Atwood MarshallBattles are won through the ability of men to express concrete ideas in clear and unmistakable language.
Samuel Lyman Atwood MarshallThe starting point for the understanding of war is the understanding of human nature.
Samuel Lyman Atwood MarshallAn officer should never speak ironically or sarcastically to an enlisted man, since the latter does not have a fair chance to answer back. The use of profanity and epithets comes under the same headings. The best argument for a man keeping his temper is that nobody else wants it; and when he voluntary throws it away, he loses a main prop to his own position.
Samuel Lyman Atwood Marshall