At the Royall Oake Taverne, I drank a sort of French wine called Ho Bryan, that hath a good and most particular taste that I never met with.
Samuel PepysNow public business takes up so much of my time that I must get time a Sundays or a nights to look after my own matters.
Samuel PepysFind myself ยฃ43 worse than I was the last month ... chiefly arisen from my layings-out in clothes for myself and wife; viz., for her, about ยฃ12, and for myself, ยฃ55 or thereabouts.
Samuel PepysI went home and took my wife and went to my Cosen Tho. Pepys's and found them just sat down to dinner, which was very good; only the venison pasty was palpable beef, which was not handsome.
Samuel PepysThanks be to God, since my leaving drinking of wine, I do find myself much better, and do mind my business better, and do spend less money, and less time lost in idle company.
Samuel PepysI do still see that my nature is not to be quite conquered, but will esteem pleasure above all things, though yet in the middle of it, it has reluctances after my business, which is neglected by my following my pleasure. However musique and women I cannot but give way to, whatever my business is.
Samuel Pepys