The difference in the education of men and women must give the former great advantages over the latter, even where geniuses are equal.
Samuel RichardsonThough a censure lies against those who are poor and proud, yet is Pride sooner to be forgiven in a poor person than in a rich one; since in the latter it is insult and arrogance; in the former, it may be a defense against temptations to dishonesty; and, if manifested on proper occasions, may indicate a natural bravery of mind, which the frowns of fortune cannot depress.
Samuel RichardsonPeople of little understanding are most apt to be angry when their sense is called into question.
Samuel RichardsonThose who can least bear a jest upon themselves, will be most diverted with one passed on others.
Samuel RichardsonFor the human mind is seldom at stay: If you do not grow better, you will most undoubtedly grow worse.
Samuel RichardsonWhy Do We Procrastinate? P - postponing life R - resisting change O - overly cautious C - contemplating course of action R - reasoning and justifying A - afraid of success S - summoning up some courage T - trouble moving forward I - inability to see the outcome N - not able to trust in your abilities to make decisions A - attempting to control the situation T - time to reflect on your motives E - erodes progress
Samuel Richardson