After winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. And after every storm, there comes clear, open skies.
Samuel RutherfordIf so be that freewill were our tutor, and we had our heaven in our own keeping, then we would lose all. But because we have Christ for our tutor, and He has our heaven in His hand, therefore the covenant it must be perpetual.
Samuel RutherfordIf Christ Jesus be the periode, the end and the lodging-home at the end of your journey, there is no fear ye go to a friend . . . ye may look death in the face with joy.
Samuel RutherfordHowbeit your faith seeth but the black side of providence, yet it hath a better side, and God shall let you see it. ... โFor we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,โ ergo, shipwreck, losses, &c., work together for the good of them that love God: hence I infer, that losses, disappointments, ill tongues, loss of friends, houses, or country, are God's workmen, set on work to work out good to you, out of everything that befalleth you.
Samuel Rutherford