Since He looked upon me my heart is not my own. He hath runaway to heaven with it.
Samuel RutherfordO, what I owe to the file, the hammer, and the furnace of the Lord Jesus! I know that he is no idle husbandman - he purposes a crop.
Samuel RutherfordAfter winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. And after every storm, there comes clear, open skies.
Samuel RutherfordKeep God's covenant in your trials; hold you by His blessed word, and sin not; flee anger, wrath, grudging, envying, fretting; forgive a hundred pence to your fellow-servant, because your Lord hath forgiven you ten thousand talents: for, I assure you by the Lord, your adversaries shall get no advantage against you, except you sin, and offend your Lord, in your sufferings.
Samuel Rutherford