Where virtue is, sensibility is the ornament and becoming attire of virtue. On certain occasions it may almost be said to become virtue. But sensibility and all the amiable qualities may likewise become, and too often have become, the panders of vice and the instruments of seduction.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeFellows of colleges in the universities are in one sense the recipients of alms, because they receive funds which originally were of an eleemosynary character.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeThe juggle of sophistry consists, for the most part, in using a word in one sense in all the premises, and in another sense in the conclusion.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeIntense study of the Bible will keep any writer from being vulgar, in point of style.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLaw grows, and though the principles of law remain unchanged, yet (and it is one of the advantages of the common law) their application is to be changed with the changing circumstances of the times. Some persons may call this retrogression, I call it progression of human opinion.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge