I must lay down the law as I understand it, and as I read it in books of authority.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeIntense study of the Bible will keep any writer from being vulgar, in point of style.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeTaste is the intermediate faculty which connects the active with the passive powers of our nature, the intellect with the senses; and its appointed function is to elevate the images of the latter, while it realizes the ideas of the former.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLook through the whole history of countries professing the Romish religion, and you will uniformly find the leaven of this besetting and accursed principle of action - that the end will sanction any means.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeThe misery of human life is made up of large masses, each separated from the other by certain intervals. One year the death of a child; years after, a failure in trade; after another longer or shorter interval, a daughter may have married unhappily; in all but the singularly unfortunate, the integral parts that compose the sum-total of the unhappiness of a man's life are easily counted and distinctly remembered.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge