We have no adequate conception of the perfection of the ancient tragic dance. The pleasure which the greeks received from it had for its basis difference; & the more unfit the vehicle, the more lively was the curiosity & intense the delights at seeing the difficulty overcome.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeAh! well a-day! what evil looks / Had I from old and young! / Instead of the cross, the Albatross / About my neck was hung.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeMr. Lyell's system of geology is just half the truth, and no more. He affirms a great deal that is true, and he denies a great deal which is equally true; which is the general characteristic of all systems not embracing the whole truth.
Samuel Taylor ColeridgeThe poet is the man made to solve the riddle of the universe who brings the whole soul of man into activity.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge