You start a project as a young person and then at the end you are another person. You are ready to go for your pension.
Santiago CalatravaI think it is important to be present in the places where you are working. It is not only about doing a project, but following the project through its construction.
Santiago CalatravaLater works are better because it takes a lot of time in architecture to mature. And, it takes a lot of discipline to experience everything that is changing around you.
Santiago CalatravaThese three qualities I recommend to you; tenacity, goodness, and intelligence. They are as valuable today as they were in the time of the ancient Greeks, Romans and during the renaissance. They will help make you good professionals.
Santiago CalatravaVitruvius, the great writer, architect and engineer, identified in his famous treatise on Architecture that the three values essential to any work of Architecture were: firmitas, utilitas, and venustas; or firmness, utility, and delight. Firmness meaning well built, solid and resistant; utility meaning useful and functional, and delight meaning beautiful.
Santiago Calatrava