He's very nice. He's something I replied. She considered this zipping her purse shut. Then she said Well everyone is. Everyone is Something. For some reason that stuck with me simple and yet not every since she'd said it. It was like a puzzle as well two vague words with one clear one between them.
Sarah DessenIn Anger Management,' he said,'we had to do all this role-playing stuff. You know, to get used to handling things in a less volatile way.' 'You role-played,' I said, trying to picture this. 'I had to. It was court-ordered.
Sarah DessenAll I'd ever wanted was to forget. but even when I thought I had, pieces had kept emerging, like bits of wood floating up to the surface that only hint at the shipwreck below.
Sarah DessenBut as was so often the case, it was the one person missing who you thought about more than the ones who were right in front of you.
Sarah DessenThere were so many levels to the unknown, from safe to dangerous to outright nebulous, scariest of all.
Sarah Dessen