There is no impossibility to him who stands prepared to conquer every hazard. The fearful are the failing.
Sarah Josepha Hale... rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them.
Sarah Josepha HaleIt is a bad business, dealing in lottery tickets ... Riches got in such a hasty manner never wear well.
Sarah Josepha HaleIt is useless to check the vain dunce who has caught the mania of scribbling, whether prose or poetry, canzonets or criticisms,--let such a one go on till the disease exhausts itself. Opposition like water, thrown on burning oil, but increases the evil, because a person of weak judgment will seldom listen to reason, but become obstinate under reproof.
Sarah Josepha HaleThere can be no education without leisure; and without leisure, education is worthless.
Sarah Josepha HaleCrackers, toasted or hard bread may be added a short time before the soup is wanted; but do not put in those libels on civilized cookery, called DUMPLINGS! One might about as well eat, with the hope of digesting, a brick from the ruins of Babylon, as one of the hard, heavy masses of boiled dough which usually pass under this name.
Sarah Josepha Hale