In this age of innovation perhaps no experiment will have an influence more important on the character and happiness of our society than the granting to females the advantages of a systematic and thorough education.
Sarah Josepha Halemany tender, delicate mothers, seem to think that to make their children eat, is all that is requisite to make them great.
Sarah Josepha HaleThere is hardly a more heart-thrilling pleasure enjoyed by mortals, than that which parents feel when seeing their child first being able to 'catch knowledge of objects.
Sarah Josepha HaleWater is the grand epic of creation; and there is not a human soul but feels the influence of its majesty, its power, or its beauty.
Sarah Josepha HaleCrackers, toasted or hard bread may be added a short time before the soup is wanted; but do not put in those libels on civilized cookery, called DUMPLINGS! One might about as well eat, with the hope of digesting, a brick from the ruins of Babylon, as one of the hard, heavy masses of boiled dough which usually pass under this name.
Sarah Josepha Hale