... rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them.
Sarah Josepha HaleCrackers, toasted or hard bread may be added a short time before the soup is wanted; but do not put in those libels on civilized cookery, called DUMPLINGS! One might about as well eat, with the hope of digesting, a brick from the ruins of Babylon, as one of the hard, heavy masses of boiled dough which usually pass under this name.
Sarah Josepha HaleThere are few sensations more painful, than, in the midst of deep grief, to know that the season which we have always associated with mirth and rejoicing is at hand.
Sarah Josepha HaleThere is something in the decay of nature that awakens thought, even in the most trifling mind.
Sarah Josepha HaleThis is a speculating and selfish age; and to think 'money will answer all things,' is too much the characteristic of Americans.
Sarah Josepha HaleDemocracies have been, and governments called, free; but the spirit of independence and the consciousness of unalienable rights, were never before transfused into the minds of a whole people....The feeling of equality which they proudly cherish does not proceed from an ignorance of their station, but from the knowledge of their rights; and it is this knowledge which will render it so exceedingly difficult for any tyrant ever to triumph over the liberties of our country.
Sarah Josepha Hale