Better overcautious than missing a jugular vein, as the saying goes." That was a very morbid saying. Maybe only vampire said it.
Sarah Rees BrennanI'll do a deal with you McFarlane," he said. "You can exist. And you can even have coffee. But if you raise your voice or make any sudden movements, I shall die. And that'll show you." Seb shrugged in return, hiding how pleased he was pretty badly. "Fair enough.
Sarah Rees BrennanHow many fingers am I holding up?" he inquired. Lucille regarded him blearily and said, "Avocado.
Sarah Rees BrennanNick scowled out the window. "I have friends in Exeter already. I have-those people, you know, they hang around outside the bike sheds, they're always hassling Jamie." "Those are some awesome dudes," Jamie muttered. "Don't let them get away.
Sarah Rees BrennanAnd what are your interests and hobbies, Nicholas?" Annabel asked faintly, sounding like a cross between a television interviewer and a hostage. Nick considered this for a minute, and then said "I like swords." Annabel leaned over her plate and asked, her voice changing "You fence?" "Not exactly," Nick drawled. "I'm more freestyle.
Sarah Rees Brennan