Human values can be listed as 50, 60, 70, 80 in all. But they can be better grouped under the following three heads; pure thoughts, pure words, pure deed; thoughts, words and deed cordinated with one another.
Sathya Sai BabaWhen you speak about these miracles, I laugh within Myself out of pity, that you allow yourself so easily to loose the precious awareness of My Reality.
Sathya Sai BabaYou have come from God, you are a spark of His Glory; you are a wave of that Ocean of Bliss; you will get peace only when you again merge in Him.
Sathya Sai BabaHuman values are born with man. They are not got from outside. Man in his ignorance is not aware of these values. when man sheds his ignorance, he will experience his divine nature.
Sathya Sai Baba