Because the Western civilization is dominated by dualistic thinking, holistic scientists and philosophers don't get the recognition they deserve.
Satish KumarOf course, we all need to have basic necessities met, such as good health care, good food, good education and good housing. But what is good? Having too much is bad, as having too little is also bad.
Satish KumarThat was my real education in the world - I learned politics, the social and cultural life of India, Hindu tradition and religion, and Buddhism.
Satish KumarYou have no skills in your hands. You have no education of understanding the meaning and the purpose and the compassion and the relationship. You have just a profession.
Satish KumarI want to see a New Story education, which is not only about intellectual knowledge - not only about measurement - not only about academic achievement. It is also about heart, feelings, emotions, relationship, love, compassion, generosity, beauty. All these values are part of the heart.
Satish Kumar