There are evils that have the ability to survive identification and go on for ever... money, for instance, or war.
Saul BellowA human soul devoid of longing was a soul deformed, deprived of its highest good, sick unto death.
Saul BellowAn exchange occurs between man and woman. Love and thought complete each other in the human pair, and something like an exchange of souls takes place, according to the divine plan.
Saul BellowThe late philosopher Morris R. Cohen of CCNY was asked by a student in the metaphysics course, Professor Cohen, how do I know that I exist? The keen old prof replied, And who is asking?
Saul BellowBut privately when things got very bad I often looked into books to see whether I could find some helpful words, and one day I read, "The forgiveness of sins is perpetual and righteousness first is not required." This impressed me so deeply that I went around saying it to myself. But then I forgot which book it was.
Saul Bellow