I am hoping for peaceful transition into a new age. Obama has already played a great role in initiating us into that vision. If he were to be harmed in any way, it would spawn the birth of a million Obamas.
Saul WilliamsI've never believed it's really so important that you conform to the ways of the system in order to beat the system. I think that the system follows a great deal.
Saul WilliamsI keep trying to forget, but I must remember. And gather the scattered continents of a self, once whole. Before they plant flags and boundary my destiny. Push down the watered mountains that blemish this soiled soul before the valleys of my conscience get the best of me. I'll need a passport just to simply reach the rest of me. A vaccination for a lesser god's bleak history.
Saul Williamsi am like a survivor of the flood walking through the streets drenched with God surprised that all of the drowned victims are still walking and talking
Saul Williams