Crooked Warden, I will fear no darkness for the night is yours," muttered Locke, pointing the first two fingers of his left hand into the darkness. The Dagger of the Thirteenth, a thief's gesture against evil. "Your night is my cloak, my shield, my escape from those who hunt to feed the noose. I will fear no evil, for you have made the night my friend." "Bless the Benefactor," said Jean, squeezing Locke's left forearm. "Peace and profit to his children.
Scott LynchWe like what we like, we want what we want, and nobody needs to give us permission to feel that way!
Scott LynchI think piracy is a bit like drinking. You want to stay out all night doing it, you pay the price the next day.
Scott LynchOnly one way to win when you're being chased by someone bigger and tougher than you. Turn straight around, punch their teeth out, and hope the gods are fond of you.
Scott Lynch