There's always tons of crap music people are trying to sell us - [it's] the same way with publishers and galleries.
Scott McClanahanIt's like that where these little anecdotes come through, and I guess that's what I like about books like that [He Stopped Loving Her Today]. Fiction now is so experiential.
Scott McClanahanI think a pretty good modus operandi is to believe that everything we know is wrong. The stomach will be the key to depression or consciousness or we'll realize ants are smarter than people.
Scott McClanahanMost book things now (with a few exceptions) are just built around nice, safe books written for nice and safe book club readers. These are usually the books you see on display at Barnes and Noble. These Internet writers are like literary terrorists to me. They're training as we speak. They're getting ready to invade. They're building an army.
Scott McClanahanI have no interest in being a trained ballerina. People should dance how they want to dance. I want to be the funky chicken.
Scott McClanahan[He Stopped Loving Her Today] is all about the experience of being alive and the thought process of consciousness, and then you have these polemical essay-type things going on for a couple decades now. Some of these music books are where you're going to see an anecdote of a person behaving without some kind of commentary.
Scott McClanahan