It's really easy for someone to say no one should have guns when they're guarded by people with MP-5s. It's a little bit different. I'm always mentioned in that article as well because I'm a staunch believer in the Second Amendment. I shoot virtually every weekend. I'm a big outdoorsman. I believe in all those traditions. And I believe it's important for people to be able to defend themselves.
Sean HannityI think the fact that Donald Trump is running now is the greatest to perhaps myself, and, again, Ivanka's [Trump] and Eric's[Trump] abilities to be able to run this company because he's not the kind of guy that would leave or jeopardize those people's families, their livelihoods to go do something where he wouldn't be in charge.
Sean HannitySenator Cruz has also strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in Brussels, and yesterday put out this statement saying, quote, "that we need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized".
Sean HannityMy plan has all that. It's energy independence. It will help our economy. It's a significant tax cut for corporations, including automatic expensing. It's bringing all those profits home from Europe without any taxation. It's lowering our corporate - or our personal rate to 28 percent, the same rate that Ronald Reagan had.
Sean HannityWe have a situation where we have a lawmaker here in California who says that if you spank the child, you spank them, you're going to go to jail for a year or you're going to pay a $1,000 fine.
Sean Hannity