Every day, therefore, should be regulated as if it were the one that brings up the rear, the one that rounds out and completes our lives.
Seneca the YoungerWe should have a bond of sympathy for all sentient beings, knowing that only the depraved and base take pleasure in the sight of blood and suffering.
Seneca the YoungerThere has not been any great talent without an element of madness. -Nullum magnum ingenium sine mixtura dementiae fuit
Seneca the YoungerNo man enjoys the true taste of life, but he who is ready and willing to quit it.
Seneca the YoungerTo see a man fearless in dangers, untainted with lusts, happy in adversity, composed in a tumult, and laughing at all those things which are generally either coveted or feared, all men must acknowledge that this can be from nothing else but a beam of divinity that influences a mortal body.
Seneca the Younger