If I had more time, I could've utilized the stage more and turned it into my own but since I used all my energy writing and producing songs, my mind was blank when it came to my performances. That's what I regret the most.
SeungriG-Dragon's music is like sushi. It's sophisticated and has different flavors. His music also changes depending on how much he cooks it.
SeungriJapanese movie "Be With You" served as inspiration for "Love Box." I couldn't fill up the album with just my experiences.
SeungriI'm the maknae. All my clothes are picked by my stylist because I don't have an eye for fashion.
SeungriJiyong hyung's mind can go wild and think a lot of things. This was my first time writing my own lyrics so I only thought about myself, but Jiyong hyung won't do that. He'll think, 'Ah, this type of rap suits T.O.P., this part suits Seungri.' That's how he writes lyrics, but I can't do that yet.