We often treat children as if they're not very competent to do anything on their own. So we make them stop learning in a natural way - by exploring. Logo [the computer programming language ] allows them to find their way around the computer, as they would find their way around the house, uncontaminated by the bureaucracies of schools.
Seymour PapertIt's not what you know about the computer that's important, but your ability to do things with it. By studying French in an academic setting, you get to know a lot about it, but typically, you can't express yourself well or have an interesting conversation with it.
Seymour PapertThe role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.
Seymour PapertThe reason most kids don't like school is not that the work is too hard, but that it is utterly boring.
Seymour PapertA programming language is like a natural, human language in that it favors certain methaphors, images, and ways of thinking.
Seymour Papert