Why should the simple fact of your having more money entitle you to a greater share of the Earth's limited natural resources?
Shekhar KapurFall in love so madly that every leaf whispers words of love to your lover. Every raindrop explodes with only one word as it hits the Earth.
Shekhar KapurA story is the relationship that you develop between who you are, or who you potentially are, and the infinite world.
Shekhar KapurCosmetic companies are trying to turn India into a nation of Albinos. No dark area on any part of the body. Except maybe our hearts. Got a cream for that?
Shekhar KapurIn India, the corrupt accuse the corrupt of being corrupt and the corrupt investigate the corrupt and absolve the corrupt of being corrupt.
Shekhar KapurWe create stories to define our existence. If we do not create the stories, we probably go mad.
Shekhar KapurPanic is the great access of creativity because that's the only way to get rid of your mind.
Shekhar KapurWhen you get up, the night and day is a contradiction. But you get up at 4 a.m. — that first blush of blue is where the night and day are trying to find harmony with each other.
Shekhar Kapur