There's some debate as to whether you need to awaken from them because there are some patients who are actually starting to say, "I had these horrible nightmares, but I never woke up from them." But they can still recall them when they get up in the morning. So there's still some debate in the field.
Shelby HarrisIn general, there are patients with insomnia who - many patients with insomnia will actually over report the lack of sleep that they are getting.
Shelby HarrisWhen it comes to the reason why we have nightmares, we're still debating that. It's a new area of research, nightmares. And the way I like to think about it is, our brain - we have stress during the day and our brain needs to learn to process this stress.
Shelby HarrisSome patients are still having insomnia, but it's seems worse to them than actually it is. So, if they say they're sleep deprived, they haven't slept at all in three days; if we actually take them into a lab, most of the time we actually do see they're sleeping on and off here and there.
Shelby Harris