Our dreams are expressions of our inner beauty. I've learned that it's completely okay to want whatever you want.
Sheri FinkThat being said, even if we cannot achieve it, journalism that strives toward objectivity and fairness has an important place in our society. So, too, does being honest and open when presenting our own opinions, as you do so well in your book
Sheri FinkSoon after a disaster passes, we tend to turn our eyes away and focus our resources on the day-to-day, rather than on preparing for the rare, but foreseeable and potentially catastrophic disaster. It's another form of triage, how much we invest in preparing for that, a very important question for public policy. We are a short-sighted species.
Sheri FinkBut we have gone so far in the direction of over treating terminal patients that we've failed to recognize when we're doing more harm than good.
Sheri FinkAlso, and this may sound naïve, but since my early days in journalism, I've felt that getting as close as possible to truth, revealing the reality of a situation in detail, has its own persuasive power. This allows readers to look at the facts and the perspectives presented and draw informed conclusions.
Sheri Fink